anywhere and anytime exercise

Hey guys! This is the time of the year when I start revamping my exercise routine, and with the coronavirus pandemic and gyms being closed, this means getting creative with at-home workouts. So I thought I would share some of the best exercises you can do starting now! There are many exercises that don’t require equipment, but only your bodyweight and a small space.

These exercises are perfect for working out at home nowadays and will be great to do when we’ll be allowed to travel again, as they can be done anywhere anytime.

Here are some of the best exercises to do anywhere and anytime:


Planks are a great way to start out your workout routine, as it works just about every part of your body. The key is to engage your abs so that the focus stays on your abs, back, butt and legs. Planking properly is essential to avoid injury and make sure you are getting to the most out of the exercise. This guide to planking for beginners is a great place to start for learning how to do it properly. You can also do variations of the traditional plank such as: reverse plank, side plank, side star plank, plank walk-down, and side-to-side plank.


Squats build your leg muscles, work your whole body, strengthen your joins, and promote fat burning. You can upgrade and customize your squats once the traditional squat becomes comfortable, and continue to do so as you build your strength and flexibility. A few ways you can upgrade your basic squats are: incorporate split squats, do jump squats, do step-down squats, and incorporate dumbbells to further engage your abs and arms as well.

easy exercises when traveling


Lunges work your leg muscles as well as improve your flexibility and range of motion.

A couple variations of lunges include: back lunges and side lunges.


Crunches are a classic abdominal exercise because they are so effective. It is important to remember that you are primarily engaging your abs and not forcing your neck along with movement but rather lifting with your abs.

If you have an exercise ball at home, you can also do crunches on the ball to help stabilize your core and become more comfortable with the exercise.


Push-ups engage your upper body and have a significant impact on your upper body strength. If you are starting out and are not comfortable with traditional push-ups, you can start out on your hands and knees rather than the full-body extension. Keep your arms shoulder width apart and engage those abs to protect your back! 

Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers are another effective exercise for the abs.

You can also do mountain climber twists to upgrade the traditional mountain climbers.


Burpees are a high impact, full-body aerobic exercise that produces results. You’ll see them included in many HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts because of this.

Proper form is a must!

Do you have any other exercises to add to this list? Please add it in the comments!

A huge thank you to Mary Johnson for her valuable inputs!