Visitors to Geneva, Switzerland are greeted with many fine and interesting statues and sculptures, all depicting an era or a story. These statues blend so well with the landscape that it is hard to tell who is the imposter!
During my recent visit, I had the chance to photograph a few – some of those can be seen here below!
Checkout a few interesting things you could do in Geneva
The picture of the boy and the horse (top) and this nude girl below are by Swiss sculptor Heinz Schwarz (1920 -1994) was considered a genius.

The statue of Charles Pictet de Rochemont, a statesman and diplomat who prepared the declaration of Switzerland’s permanent neutrality ratified by the great power in 1815.

I do wish I had more time to spend photographing statues, but I will keep that for another visit. For those looking for statues around the city, there are a few interesting ones near the UN offices as well.

Of all the famous landmarks in Geneva, Brunswick Monument overlook the lake is actually a mausoleum built in 1879 to commemorate the life of Charles II, the Duke of Brunswick. He bequeathed his fortune to the city of Geneva in exchange for a monument to be built in his name. Hence it stands there, a silent testimony to a life lived.

I did not know about Brunswick’s donation to Geneva. But why did he do it? Just for a monument to be made for him? Weird!
He donated all his property 🙂 its a beautiful monument nevertheless. There is a hotel right next to it – and he lived there for a few years permanently as well.