ALMOST INTREPID sums up my travels as a single Indian woman backpacker. It is about persistence (and sometime the lack of it), being foolish, scared and yet determined. It makes you want to travel. It is about learning and letting go, about creating my own experience.
It is about travel – those glorious sunrises on mountaintops, the warmth of strangers, the taste of fried tarantulas… it is about learning to adapt. It is about you and me and every traveler’s dream.
(Click here for review in Osho News)
That said, what is AI all about? Well, we love travel. I love travel travel as much as the next person, except that I actually traveled, backpacker style, through a number of places around the world. AI is about this travel as a single Indian woman backpacker (a rare breed in my opinion) with a dream and little else ! But my dream of traveling far was so strong that I spent my life (post quarter life crisis) trying to go around the world in a very wide circle – all by myself – sometimes living off the generosity of strangers I met along the way. AI shows you that while you may have the dream, you also need practical advice and a good sense of humour to ease out of tricky situations.
My travels taught me endurance, patience and a better understanding of the world. I trekked in jungles of Papua New Guinea, climbed mountains (Mt Kilimanjaro being my top favourite), ate fried tarantulas and barbequed snakes —- Does that sound like something you might want to do?
Well then – go grab a copy!

Check out these interviews/reviews
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