I chanced upon this piece of painted wall quite by chance – and I think it was a lucky find. I was following a random guided walking tour group in Prague after having wandered off the Charles Bridge looking for an authentic Czech restaurant to dine in.
To my surprise, the guide led the group through a serious of narrow cobbled streets (see below) and arrived at this piece of chaotic splash of colours on a wall and people began to take photos instantly. It was not until later what this really was. This was, once upon a time, just a normal wall (near Mala Strana), till one day it got filled up with John Lennon inspired graffiti.
Down the street from the wall is a John Lennon pub – although I am sure Lennon had nothing to do with this one (so say the locals) – and they are doing a good business by capitalising on the walls. To be fair, inside this restaurant you can find an impressive number of Lennon memorabilia, if you like that kind of thing.

Random pretty pictures below! Prague is full of surprises and plenty of photo ops! Anywhere you turn is a picture waiting to happen. Watch out for the cobble stones though – if you are not used to walking on them, be extra cautious. High heels were never any good anywhere, least of all in Europe where cobbled streets are common – so ladies beware.

I say, its a good idea to meander off the Bridge and just follow any random path – you are bound to come up with a gem. A painted door, an ancient door, an old carving, a quaint ice-cream shop…

Hi Anjaly, your last picture had a 3-D effect. Was it by design? Coming to the main post, John Lennon has had quite a large number of followers in every part of the world. No wonder, a wall has been named after him.