Terms of use

The information provided on this website is for general information purposes only. I make no representations of any kind and aim to provide information I think may benefit a traveler. You are reading of the information on this website is of your own free will and you are taking the provided information at your own risk
The information expressed is my opinions alone. Any reliance you place on any information gleaned from this blog is strictly at your own risk.

Copyright Policy

Unless otherwise noted, no material on this website may be used, reprinted, or published without our written consent.


Any letters/emails or questions written directly to the editor may be used to share with our blogging audience, unless specifically requested otherwise. If confidentiality is expressed, it will be kept as so.

Anjaly Thomas

2 Replies to “Disclaimer”

  1. Austin says: February 2, 2012 at 6:58 pm

    Lovely write, trendy blog theme, maintain the good work

  2. MOHAJIR MOHAMMED says: May 16, 2012 at 5:54 pm

    Just now i read about you in manorama its really great

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