At the end of the game drive, I decided to visit the Masais, known as the ‘warrior tribe’. Actually this village with about 122 residents and twice that number of cattle, live pretty close to the Rhino Camp I stayed at. They even showed me how to make fire with wood and sandpaper (video coming up), dressed me in a Maasai shawl and fixed a lion head on my head –

The village headman’s son (second on my right) even offered me 6 cows as a dowry if I would be his bride!!!!

masai warriors
With the Masais in the village near Masai Mara, Kenya
Masaai Village
Cute little Masai kid – see how he sticks his tongue out!!

This is one of my favourite videos of Africa – dancing with the Maasai Warriors at the Maasai Mara Reserve, Kenya.